We are here to help make rehoming your dog easier.


The decision to rehome your dog is never an easy one. Our volunteers will answer all of your questions and help guide you through the process.

Once in our program, our dogs live in a foster home until we find the right adopter. We take great care to provide your golden with a high quality diet, socialization, exercise, any beginning or continuing training that may be necessary, as well as any additional medical are and a microchip.

Our dogs are treated with love, affection, and encouragement. We carefully and thoughtfully work to find a perfect match between your dog’s personality and the lifestyle of the adopting family. It is our goal to find permanent, loving homes for each of our foster dogs.

Top five reasons to rehome your dog with NRGRR.

The first step to rehome your dog to us is to complete and submit our Rehome Application form below.

When we have received your complete form, one of our representatives will contact you.